
Red beet is known to lower blood pressure, boost stamina, fight inflammation and reduce the risks of cancer and heart disease.


Fertilizer Management

  • Basal (2 days before planting)
  • 1st Sidedressing: (20-25 days after planting)
  • 2nd Sidedressing: (40-45 days after planting)
  • chicken manure (1 kg/ m2)
  • 14-14-14 (3 bags/ha)
  • 14-14-14 (3 bags/ha)
  • 14-14-14 (20 g/m2)
  • 46-0-0 (3 bags/ha)
  • 46-0-0 (3 bags/ha)
  • 46-0-0 (10 g/m2)

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.